Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Breakfast & Tea benefits

Good morning all. Happy Wednesday! This morning I pretty much ate the same thing I always have for breakfast which is eggs, green and red peppers, spinach and avocado and tomatoes with whole wheat fiber grain flat bread. But instead of drinking water like always I drank tazo zen tea which is really tasty and is a blend of green tea infused with lemongrass which is a good source of vitamin C and A, it's an anti-oxidant, and has many other health benefits you can look up the benefits on this website I added some mint leaves to give it a bit more oomph. Mint leaves stimulate digestive enzymes that absorb nutrients from food and consume fat and turning it into energy. Which means if you add mint to your diet, you are increasing the amount of fat that is being consumed and put to use instead of  being stored and contributing to your weight gain!

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